Espresso Tazzina Trezza

Espresso cup and saucer, 100% ceramic. Acitrezza (Sicilian: Jaci Trizza or La Trezza) is a town in Sicily, without any questions my favorite childhood and youth summer location. Giovanni Verga's novel "I Malavoglia" 1890 is set in Aci Trezza. I Malavoglia deal with a family of fishermen who work and live in this small village near Catania. In 1948 Luchino Visconti filmed his neo-realistic film "La Terra Trema", based on Verga's novel, the entire cast were local inhabitants rather than professional actors. These cups were designed in the exact way you see the famously stacked cups on top of the iconic espresso machines in these vibrant bars, a process, that warms the cups before the coffee is served. FATTA IN ITALIA


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